
In the fight against Corona

Viessmann switches part of its production to ventilators, mobile care units, face masks and disinfectant. In doing so, the family company strengthens its social responsbility in times of crisis. All of the ideas implemented have come from the company's own employees.

The picture shows six people standing around a Viessmann ventilator.
Series production of the mobile ventilation device from Viessmann takes place in Allendorf (Eder)

Allendorf (Eder), Apr 20, 2020 – In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Viessmann Group is expanding its social responsibility. In a converted part of its production facilities, the family-owned company now also manufactures – in addition to its leading climate and energy solutions – ventilators, mobile care units, face masks and disinfectant.

Max Viessmann, Viessmann Co-Chief Executive Officer: "Fighting the current pandemic requires cohesion, team spirit and creativity to make the best out of the current challenging situation. I experience these qualities every day with around 12300 members of the large Viessmann family. I am extremely proud of this. It goes without saying, that we are aware of our social responsibility in times of crisis and that we are now strengthening it once again. After all, the whole thing will only end when it ends for everyone – worldwide. The way we deal with the Corona crisis today, will determine how we remember this time in the future – hopefully with pride and the awareness of having achieved a new dimension of solidarity.

Dr. Markus Klausner, Chief Technology Officer Viessmann Climate Solutions: "All ideas come from our own teams. I am incredibly impressed by the creativity of our team. There is a great deal of engineering skill, attention to detail and high reliability behind all our solutions. Because these are integral parts of our more than 100-year-old Viessmann DNA. Disinfectant and face masks have already been handed over to the district. The development of the ventilators is carried out in close cooperation with doctors from the Luisenhospital, the academic teaching hospital of the medical faculty of the RWTH Aachen University, and Professor Dr. Dirk Müller from the E.ON Energy Research Center at RWTH Aachen University, as well as other hospitals. On a regional level, the district hospital in Frankenberg (Eder) in particular provided a great deal of support. The Luisenhospital has already given a positive assessment of the suitability of the equipment. With the support of the Federal Ministry of Health, we are working together with the Federal Office for Drugs and Medical Technology to obtain the special approval that has now been launched. All of them are pulling together here and showing highly dynamic commitment so that mass production can be implemented as quickly as possible. Once the special approval has been granted, a production of over 600 units per day would be feasible".

Production converted within a few days

One of the production lines for wall-mounted gas appliances, at the company's headquarters in Allendorf (Eder), North Hesse, was converted within a few days to manufacture the aforementioned products. The fact that it was even possible to develop a simplified ventilator in such a short time is due to the design of these wall-mounted gas devices. On the one hand, many components of the wall-mounted gas devices, such as the electronic gas and air connection, could be adapted for the ventilator. On the other hand, Viessmann has an extremely flexible production facility, which could be adjusted to the new requirements in a very short time.

Ventilators are mobile and not dependent on hospital infrastructure

The engineers of the family business are in close contact with various anaesthetists and intensive care physicians who have accompanied the development. Furthermore, they are actively supported by Prof. Dr Müller from E.ON Energy Research Center at the RWTH University. The ventilators enable an individual adjustment of the relevant pressure levels as well as the breathing rate and allow a variable admixture of oxygen. The compact ventilators are mobile and do not necessarily depend on the technical infrastructure of a hospital, because they can be operated either via the hospital's oxygen supply, as well as a solution with a connected oxygen cylinder. Many countries currently have a great shortage of ventilators. Viessmann is already in contact with selected authorities there to investigate possible local use. All efforts are currently underway to obtain quick special approval for the use of the ventilators in Germany.

Portable care units can be set up quickly and anywhere

From now on, Viessmann Technologies, a member of the group of companies, will also offer modular care units, which could also make a fundamental contribution to the care of seriously ill COVID-19 patients. Thanks to the prefabricated and modular design, the units can be installed quickly and are available in module sizes for one or two patients. These portable care units can be set up indoors, for example in exhibition halls or sports arenas, but – with an appropriate cover – also outdoors.

Apprentices set up production line for face masks in the training center

Traditionally, Viessmann attaches great importance to the training of young people. As a result, they also demonstrate a high level of social responsibility in supporting the fight against the pandemic. At the Viessmann Group's technical training centre in Allendorf (Eder), a production line for manufacturing high-quality face masks was set up largely under the young colleagues' own initiative. These masks have already been handed over to the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. From next week, the company, in close cooperation with neighbouring companies and the district, plans to produce up to 10000 masks per week.

Many projects originate from employee ideas

Every year, employees of the Viessmann Group submit around 150000 ideas and suggestions for improvement – a top figure per employee in Germany. Currently, many ideas are directly related to the corona crisis. For example, at the suggestion of the employees, the production of our own disinfectant was implemented. Following an appeal by Viessmann, more than 250 partners have recently declared they are willing to join forces to show solidarity in the media and overcome the crisis together.

Another result from an employee idea is the manufacturing of so-called "personal door openers", which are produced on the 3D printers in the Viessmann prototype manufacturing facility. By using this simple but effective tool, no one needs to touch a door handle with their hands any more.

In addition, initial quantities of the in-house disinfectant have been made available to the district.


 The image shows the new mobile ventilator from Viessmann
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Image 1

The mobile ventilator from Viessmann, which was developed and designed by employees in a very short time for the treatment of corona patients.

The image shows a doctor testing the  viessmann ventilator
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Image 2

Viessmann's mobile ventilation device has been intensively tested - in cooperation with doctors from the Luisenhospital, the academic teaching hospital of the medical faculty and the team of Prof. Dr. Dirk Müller from the E.ON Energy Research Center of the RWTH Aachen University as well as other hospitals.

The picture shows six people standing around a Viessmann ventilator.
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Image 3

Series production of the mobile ventilation device from Viessmann takes place in Allendorf (Eder).

The image shows test runs of the Viessmann ventilators for corona patients
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Image 4

Comprehensive test runs with the Viessmann ventilator for corona patients: The development of the ventilation equipment is carried out in close cooperation with doctors from the Luisenhospital, the academic teaching hospital of the medical faculty and the team of Prof. Dr. Dirk Müller from the E.ON Energy Research Center of the RWTH Aachen University and other hospitals.

The image shows test runs of the Viessmann ventilators for corona patients
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Image 5

Comprehensive test runs with the Viessmann ventilator for corona patients: The development of the ventilation equipment is carried out in close cooperation with doctors from the Luisenhospital, the academic teaching hospital of the medical faculty and the team of Prof. Dr. Dirk Müller from the E.ON Energy Research Center of the RWTH Aachen University and other hospitals.

The image shows test runs of the Viessmann ventilators for corona patients
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Image 6

Comprehensive test runs with the Viessmann ventilator for corona patients: The development of the ventilation equipment is carried out in close cooperation with doctors from the Luisenhospital, the academic teaching hospital of the medical faculty and the team of Prof. Dr. Dirk Müller from the E.ON Energy Research Center of the RWTH Aachen University and other hospitals.

The image shows the all new supply units from the Viessmann subsidiary "vitec"
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Image 7

The supply units from the Viessmann subsidiary "vitec" are complete turnkey solutions: prefabricated and mobile. A so-called "ICU" can be transported to any location in the world, overseas transport with self-assembly is also possible.

The image shows supply units from the Viessmann subsidiary "vitec"  from above
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Image 8

The supply units from the Viessmann subsidiary "vitec" are complete turnkey solutions: prefabricated and mobile. A so-called "ICU" can be transported to any location in the world, overseas transport with self-assembly is also possible.

The image shows the all new supply units from the Viessmann subsidiary "vitec" in a few rows
Download 3508x2479px (JPG 232 KB)

Image 9

The supply units from the Viessmann subsidiary "vitec" are complete turnkey solutions: prefabricated and mobile. A so-called "ICU" can be transported to any location in the world, overseas transport with self-assembly is also possible.

The image shows trainees at Viessmann Werke developing and manufacturing face masks
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Image 10

Trainees at Viessmann Werke had the idea of developing and manufacturing face masks for mouth and nose themselves. Several hundred masks have already been handed over to the Waldeck-Frankenberg district for use in hospitals and care facilities. Soon, 10,000 masks will be produced each week.

The image shows a face mask manufactured by Viessmann trainees
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Image 11

Face masks: The basic carrier is produced in 3D printing and enables the filter unit to be replaced.

The image shows disinfectant produced by Viessmann and the team behind
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Image 12

The disinfectant produced by Viessmann is made available to care and support facilities through the Waldeck-Frankenberg district.

The image shows the disinfectant produced by Viessmann close up
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Image 13

The disinfectant produced by Viessmann is made available to care and support facilities through the Waldeck-Frankenberg district.

The image shows the all new electric strikes developed by Viessmann
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Image 14

The electric strikes developed by Viessmann help to prevent the handle from being touched by hand.

The Image shows electric strikes developed by Viessmann
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Image 15

The electric strikes developed by Viessmann help to prevent the handle from being touched by hand.