- Energy: ISO 50001 Certificate und Annex

How we live and implement sustainability

Sustainability Strategy
Since 2021, we have had a global climate strategy, but this was just a good start. While curbing climate change is one of the key levers for a sustainable future, we knew we must look beyond climate. This is why we have been working on a holistic sustainability strategy for the whole Viessmann Group. We did so using one of the most robust, science-based tools: the Future-Fit Business Benchmark. Future-Fit Business Benchmark takes the Doughnut Model and the Sustainable Development Goals and breaks them down into concrete indicators for a company. As a result a clear, long term destination towards a social and environmental break-even point is provided. Reaching this break-even point will mean that any of our potential negative impacts associated with what we buy, what we sell, and what we do are eliminated and we will create only positive impacts on people and planet. With our sustainability strategy we set ourselves a first clear milestone on the path towards becoming fully sustainable - in other words - a Future-Fit business. We hope to inspire others with our sustainability strategy, which we published in our Sustainability Report.
Brand claim "for our climate"
Our brand stands for climate – the topic that has united us at Viessmann for generations. The claim emphasizes our strategic response to climate change.
Details on other selected aspects of our sustainability strategy are listed in the following.
Commitments, Certificates and Downloads
At Viessmann we adhere to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Further, we are a member of the United Nations Global Compact.
While our Viessmann sustainability strategy accelerates our transformation to a fully sustainable company, our well established and robust management system ensures our precautionary approach, employee’s focus on environmental topics as well as continuous improvement of our environmental performance. Download our standards here:
- Energy: ISO 50001 Certificate und Annex
- Environment: ISO 14001 Certificate und Annex
- Quality: ISO 9001 Certificate und Annex
- Occupational Health and Safety: ISO 45001 Certificate und Annex

EcoVadis Rating

Further documents attest our commitments and the responsibilities we take as an employer and business partner. One of them is our latest progress report on Viessmann’s contribution to fulfill the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.