Always finding new solutions for customers.
Amruta Joshi has been a Simulation and Test Engineer at Viessmann for a year. Despite working from home throughout the COVID pandemic, she’s settled in both at work, and in her new home.

As a student, Amruta Joshi actually wanted to be a doctor. But as she started her Bachelor’s Degree, she discovered that she was more excited by math and technology than other disciplines. “That’s when I discovered my passion for mechanical engineering,” Amruta recalls. “I always wanted to know how the technology in cars and other machines worked.” She completed her Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering in Pune, her hometown in the West Indian state of Maharashtra, then started learning German to continue her studies in Germany in 2016. “Where else?” she asks. “Technology in Germany is alway one step ahead. The best machines and cars are built here.”
If I come across a problem, I don’t give up quickly.
Amruta finished her mechanical engineering studies at the TU Kaiserslautern with a Master’s in Commercial Vehicle Technology. She describes herself as persistent: “If I come across a problem, I don’t give up quickly.” It’s this attitude that brought Amruta to Viessmann as a Simulation and Test Engineer as well.
It’s always important to find new solutions
She had just two months to get acclimated to her team and the test laboratory. “I was received with kindness, and my colleagues were quick to help me network,” she remembers. Then, the COVID pandemic hit. Amruta was sent to work from home alongside her colleagues, but she feels connected to her team regardless. “My coworkers and I see each other regularly during the week in our virtual team meetings online,” Amruta reports. When she wants to, she can always use the company’s test laboratory. The part of her work that she especially likes? “I always have the option to familiarize myself with new trends in the field of system simulation and to integrate new features. The job never gets boring.”
I always have the option to familiarize myself with new trends in the field of system simulation and to integrate new features.
The mechanical engineer feels very much at home in Allendorf outside of work as well. “My colleagues were very helpful from the very first minute, and they made me feel very welcome in a city where I’d never been before,” says Amruta. Her colleagues also introduced her to an Indian family in the area. “The family has twins, and I spend a lot of time there,” she says.
In her free time, Amruta takes in the landscape of northern Hesse, where she hikes and explores the environment. It calms her down to be in nature. “Sometimes people ask me why I stay in this small town. But I would never think about leaving here because I feel right at home at Viessmann.” If Viessmann had a site in India, however, she says she would definitely visit.